Privacy Policy


Dive into the data AseptSoft® collects about you. Here we explain what we collect and when we collect it. You can also learn about how it’s used – and as importantly, how it’s not used. Lastly, let’s walk through how you can control and manage this data.

How does AseptSoft® collect data about me?

AseptSoft® collects data about you:

  • When you browse
  • When you use AseptSoft®‘s content delivery networks, or visit websites that do
  • When you create and use an account on
  • When you buy products and services from AseptSoft® through the web store
  • When you contact AseptSoft® by e-mail for support or other help

AseptSoft® does not buy or otherwise receive data about you from data brokers.

What data does AseptSoft® collect about me, and why?

AseptSoft® collects data about visits to
When you visit, whether you have an account or not, the site uses cookies, server logs, and other methods to collect data about what pages you visit and when.

AseptSoft® uses data about how you use the website to:

  • optimize the website, so it’s quick and easy to use
  • diagnose and debug technical errors
  • defend the website from abuse and technical attacks
  • compile statistics on the kinds of software and computers visitors use
  • AseptSoft® usually stores data about how you use the forum in identifiable form for just a few
  • weeks. In special circumstances, like extended investigations about technical attacks,
  • AseptSoft® may preserve log data longer, for analysis. AseptSoft® stores aggregate statistics about use of the website indefinitely, but those statistics don’t include data identifiable to you personally.

AseptSoft® collects data about use of its content delivery networks.
Content delivery networks are worldwide networks of computer servers that make sure everyone online can download files quickly from servers near to them. AseptSoft® uses content delivery networks to serve files for its free and Pro Plans.

AseptSoft® uses data about how you use AseptSoft® content delivery networks to:

  • optimize the content delivery networks, so website visitors can down load files quickly
  • diagnose and debug technical errors
  • defend the content delivery networks from abuse and technical attacks
  • compile statistics on AseptSoft® popularity
  • compile statistics on the kinds of software and computers visitors use


AseptSoft® usually stores data about how you use content delivery networks in identifiable form for just a few weeks. In special circumstances, like extended investigations about technical attacks, AseptSoft® may preserve log data longer, for analysis. AseptSoft® stores aggregate statistics about use of content delivery networks indefinitely, but those statistics don’t include data identifiable to you personally.

AseptSoft® collects account data.
To buy AseptSoft® Pro, access Pro Plans, and configure Pro services like content delivery networks, you need a account. To sign up for an account, AseptSoft® requires your name, your company’s name, if any, and your e-mail address.

AseptSoft® uses your account data to identify you on

AseptSoft® uses your e-mail address to:

  • announce new versions of Pro AseptSoft®  , software, and services
  • advertise new Aseptconn AG products and services
  • send you alerts about Pro services
  • reset your password and help keep your account secure
  • contact you in special circumstances related to your account
  • contact you about legal requests

AseptSoft® stores your account data as long as your account remains open.

AseptSoft® collects payment card data.
To buy licenses and sign up for AseptSoft® Pro, AseptSoft® requires your payment card data. AseptSoft® does not collect or store enough information to charge your card itself. Rather, AseptSoft® ‘s payment processors collect that data on AseptSoft® ‘s behalf, and gives AseptSoft® security tokens that allow AseptSoft® to create charges and subscriptions.

AseptSoft® uses your payment card data only to charge for AseptSoft®  products and services. AseptSoft®  instructs its payment processors to store your payment card data only as long as you use paid AseptSoft® services.

How can I make choices about data collection?

You’re free to visit without logging in. You may also configure your web browser to disable cookies when visiting the website.

You can opt out of Google Analytics using a browser extension.

AseptSoft® does not respond to the Do Not Track HTTP header.

Where does AseptSoft® store data about me?

AseptSoft® stores account data, data about website use, and data about content delivery network use on servers in the Switzerland.

Content delivery network servers are located worldwide, and store data about their use wherever they are located.

Does AseptSoft® comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation?

AseptSoft® respects privacy rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Information that GDPR requires AseptSoft® to give can be found throughout these questions and answers.

Where can I see, change, and erase data about me?

You can see and change your account data at any time by visiting your account page on

You can cancel your AseptSoft® subscription at any time. Canceling subscription will also start the process of deleting your account data.

Does AseptSoft® share data about me with others?

AseptSoft® does not sell or give information about you to other companies or services. However, AseptSoft® does use services from other companies to provide, content delivery networks, and to distribute and develop software. The companies behind those services may collect data about you on their own, for their own purposes. Some of these services may be used to collect information about your online activities across different websites. All of these services are based in the United States.

Affiliates are companies or individuals who recommend AseptSoft® and refer customers through links that enable us to pay them a sales commission. We do not share any personally identifiable data about you with affiliates, even if you purchase AseptSoft® through an affiliate’s link. We provide affiliates with summary reports of sales and commissions, and a detail report that shows time-stamped log entries of when sales occur.

How can I contact AseptSoft® about privacy?

You can send privacy-related questions, complaints, and requests to AseptSoft® at

For complaints under GDPR more generally, European Union users may lodge complaints with their local data protection supervisory authorities.